
Our Learning

Religious Education (R.E.)

Here at d’Auvergne, we follow the Jersey Curriculum for Religious Education (RE) and work together with Jersey Baptist Church to help support our children in recognising the wider reach that religion plays in our community. We encourage our children to participate in a range of extra-curriculum activities, and this is no different for RE. Jersey Baptist Church support us by providing an After-School Club (JAM), a range of tailored workshops and assemblies.


Our teaching of RE enables children to understand and extend their own sense of views and values and to think about these in relation to others.

The teaching of RE is arranged around three main focuses: Festivals and Celebrations, Signs and Symbols and Stories. Each year group is allocated two religions, attention is given to the religions’ similarities and the differences, promoting an open and broad understanding of others’ beliefs and the importance of listening. Children are given the chance to demonstrate their learning, exploring creative communication styles including drama, art, poetry, using electronic devices (such as laptops) and writing.

We aim to make our lessons, activities and workshops enjoyable, thought-provoking and inclusive.  By providing positive experiences and a space for children to learn about others’ beliefs, a lifelong interest in RE is hoped for, as well as promoting a positive attitude towards different ideologies and thoughts.

Religious tolerance, awareness and understanding are attributes that will help us be ‘Fit for the Future’.

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