Fit for the Future.
You are all very welcome! On behalf of the amazing staff, I would like to welcome you to d'Auvergne. It is a great honour and privilege for me to be the Head Teacher of such a wonderful school.
d'Auvergne Primary School is a happy, friendly place. We strive for all members of our school and wider community to feel included and to be 'Fit for the Future'.
Our overall goal is to provide the highest quality education for every child. To enable this to happen the school aims to ‘bring home and school together’. We do this by developing close relationships with children, families and the wider community. This helps children to develop and grow into well-rounded individuals with ‘high aspirations’ for their futures. We understand that children achieve best when home and school work together. Effective communication and our 'Open Door Policy' underpin our strong parent / carer relationships.
At d'Auvergne School we understand that the path to success is not always easy. We aim to develop social, moral, spiritual and cultural values by ‘nurturing’ everyone. This gives each child the tools to grow, flourish and ultimately become 'Fit for the Future' and, so, be successful in adult life.
By respecting and welcoming everyone in the school community, we support children and adults to try their best and take pride in all we do. With this positive ethos we hope to support children and adults to take up the many and varied opportunities we offer here at the school.
As an inclusive school we not only seek for our children to achieve academic excellence, but we will work hard to nurture our children in order that they become caring, compassionate human beings ready to make a positive contribution to the wider community when they leave our care whilst challenging them to achieve their full potential. Our vision statement below sets out the core values and ethos of the school.
If you have any questions, please do contact me through the school office.
Thank you for your time.
Mr Sam Cooper
Head Teacher
At d’Auvergne, our curriculum and teaching will:
Actively promote positive mental health and wellbeing.
Ensure every child makes consistently good progress in every class.
Focus on developing confident communicators who have a wide vocabulary.
Ensure our children work hard; gain increasing confidence and independence; and respond positively to challenges.
Enable all children to do well in a broad range of subjects, equipping them with the knowledge and skills required to be successful learners and citizens.
Cater very well for different achievement levels, routinely providing appropriate challenge and support.
Cover in full the Jersey Curriculum, ensuring breadth, balance and depth of learning through a range of rich experiences which build cultural capital.
Be enhanced by the strongest home-school links.
Promote the highest of expectations and aspirations for all associated to d’Auvergne School.
The school is available to advise and support with wellbeing and safeguarding concerns on
Our Facebook page is updated regularly.
If you need to contact a member of staff, please click here.