
Our Learning

Anti-Bias Education (A.B.E.)

As educators at d’Auvergne, we have a responsibility to ensure that every child feels like they belong. To belong is to feel safe, seen and heard. Through representation, age-appropriate dialogue, open conversations and questioning, we are committed to creating a culture that challenges our own and others bias. We are dedicated to ensuring that our children become not just anti-bias, but true allies for inclusivity and equality.

Bias is formed from limited experience and misinformation/ avoiding conversations. Here at d’Auvergne, we believe in tackling all forms of bias and stereotypes from as early as Nursery. All aspects of the curriculum we teach are carefully considered and planned for to ensure that the books we read, resources we use and conversations we participate in, actively promote inclusivity, diversity and equality.

By embedding the four goals of Anti bias education within our everyday teaching and learning, we are able to build an environment where children notice moments of injustice and feel comfortable to engage in open conversations using the language and tools, we regularly model. Open conversations encourage deeper level thinking and ensure our children have an awareness of the world they live in, making them ‘fit for the future’.

The Four Goals of Anti Bias Education:

  1. Identity

The Adult:  Nurtures each child’s personal and social identities.

The Child: Gains self-awareness, confidence and pride in themselves. They develop pride and positive social identity.


  1. Diversity/ Inclusion

The Adult: Promotes each child’s interaction with people from various backgrounds.

The Child: Embraces and celebrates difference and develops accurate language for human differences. They form caring connections across all dimensions of human diversity.


  1. Justice

The Adult: Foster each child’s capacity to identify bias and will nurture empathy for the hurt bias causes.

The Child: Increasingly recognises and identifies unfairness and bias and has the language to describe inequity and understands that bias hurts.


  1. Activism

The Adult: Cultivates each child’s ability and confidence to stand up for oneself and others

The Child: Demonstrates a sense of empowerment and possess the skills required to advocate against prejudice, bias and discrimination.

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