
Parents' Area

Safeguarding, SEND, Policies and Procedures

Our school has many policies which are regularly reviewed by staff and approved by the leadership team.  On this page you will find some key policies and notices which we think may be of interest.

In addition, CYPES have many central policies that d'Auvergne work in line with. Please click here to access the CYPES policies.  

If you cannot find the information you are interested in here, please contact the school. Copies of School Policies are also available in the school entrance area, by the office.


Our Safeguarding Policies In Practice 

Safeguarding is our key priority at d'Auvergne and underpins all that we do. Our focus is promoting welfare and keeping children safe. It is a priority for everyone in our school community.

There are different ways we keep children safe. We work hard to improve the general health and wellbeing of all children, in line with our 'Fit for the Future' agenda. We actively support disadvantaged children and will always do our utmost to support and protect children. If you have a child protection concern, speak to a member of our team on 01534 625858 or call the Children and Families Hub on 01534 519000 (

Our wider curriculum embraces all aspects of safeguarding. In our PSHE Jigsaw curriculum, children learn how their bodies grow and change. They learn about safe relationships and understand who a trusted adult might be.

We teach the Purple Mash approach to online safety. Each term, children are supported in staying safe online and what to do if things go wrong.

At d'Auvergne, pupil welfare is of upmost importance. Our Welfare Team (Rachel, Mrs Huelin and Mr Cooper) have a high-profile around the school. Children know they can share their worries or concerns with them or any of the staff. 

Every year group has a broad curriculum element linking to Staying Safe. In Early Years Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1, we have visits from 'People Who Help Us'. In Key Stage 2 there are visits from emergency services, including the Coastguard and Fire Service; the NSPCC present on 'Speaking Out'; You Matter support with the PSHE curriculum; the Youth Service work with us on anti-bullying initiatives; Jersey Sport train the children in Bikeability.



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